NaNoWriMo is just around the corner, this is going to be my first proper attempt at NaNoWriMo this year. I have researched this a lot and I have been preparing for it a lot in the last three weeks, so I am more than raring to go!
I have a whole novel mapped out and planned to precision, so hopefully there shouldn’t be too many blocked moments.
The aim of NaNoWriMo is that from the 1st of November to the end of November (the 30th) you aim to write 50,000 towards your first draft – it encourages you to actually complete your work. You will receive lots of help and make lots of new friends that help encourage your on you way to completing your 50,000 words. The concept is that this is how a successful best-selling working writer lives, they accomplish on an average around 50,000 words of something a month. It’s to get you realising what life as a best-selling author is going to be like, if you wish to be someone as prolific as say Stephen King. Now to accomplish 50,000 words in just one month, you will need to write 1,670 words per day. Stephen King claims he doesn’t leave his writing den before he has finished writing six pages in any one day – that equates to about the same length we’re expected to write at NaNoWriMo and I must also say, his minimum is just six pages, it’s not what he does every day, he admits sometimes he writes more, but six pages is his daily goal.
Now for someone who is new to the idea of becoming a writer, or for someone who struggles putting pen to paper and is intimidated by that fearsome blank page, this idea can be very daunting – but hang in there! NaNoWriMo members are there to talk you through it, give you tips on how to survive this and what’s more, it will help make you feel like you’ve achieved something. Your first draft isn’t meant to be perfect, some authors have to redraft their work twenty times before it’s prime enough for publication – don’t be too hard on yourself, or your first draft or baby you won’t survive.
Simple tip for getting 50,000 words at NaNoWriMo, just write, forget editing, just write – it’s your first draft, it’s not meant to be perfect!
Filed under: Writers block results Tagged: 000, 50%, contest, draft, editing, event, first draft, NaNoWriMo, November, publication, Stephen King, words, write, writer, Writer's Block